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Evidence Based Practice (EBP)

What is Evidence Based Medicine?

The most commonly used definition for EBM is that "Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research." provided by David Sackett et al in the 1996 article, " Evidence-Based Medicine: What it is and what it isn't" for BMJFull text here

EBM Venn Diagram

The Center for Evidence Based Managment (CEBMa) recommends that researchers consider the following questions in regard to published research and evidence. The process of evaluating evidence is known as critical appraisal.

1. Is the evidence from a known, reputable source?

2. Has the evidence been evaluated in any way? If so, how and by whom?

3. How up-to-date is the evidence?

CEBMa offers tools to help appraise research studies in the form of Critical Appraisal Checklists; you can set up a free account to access these resources.

PICO Search

Levels of Evidence;2019.6.10

Understanding 'Levels of Evidence'

Developed by the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia this tutorial explains the levels of evidence, based on research study design, so that you can find the best evidence for your practice using a database
