Ascension - IN

Mobile Apps & User Accounts

These page links are dedicated to providing links, online resources and instructions for setting up and utilizing personal accounts and/or mobile applications for numerous widely-used Ascension St. Vincent library subscription resources.

  • Users create their own usernames and passwords while onsite at the hospital for each of the resources 
  • Some resources require usernames/passwords for access. 
  • Other resources - i.e. Lexicomp - require a current authentication code  The codes can be on the resource's webpage To keep App accounts current, users will need to periodically log into resources with their username and password onsite at the hospital. Each resource follows a different time schedule. 
  • Click on the tabs for each resource below for detailed instructions on how to set up user accounts and download mobile applications.
  • Please continue to check back to this page for updates on these and other resources.